Deaf Gamers
At Deaf Gamers the way we review the software is a little different as it's from a deaf persons perspective. Text/visual feedback is a key issue for a deaf person and many has the occasion been when a deaf games player has purchased a game only to find no visual feedback or very little of it (this can ruin the game for them). As you will know, conventional game reviews usually don't provide this info and the deaf gamer is left guessing. This is where Deaf Gamers comes in and tries to redress the balance.
Ich kann mich erinnern, daß sich Mitte der 90er Gehörlose darüber beschwerten, daß man interaktive Filme ohne Untertitel rausbrachte. Mich nervt es ehrlich gesagt immer noch, statt vernünftiger Musik bei stummgeschaltetem Spiel den nuschelnden Synchronsprechern lauschen zu müssen.
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